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  3. Master´s degree

Master´s degree


  • For the student, through the generation of a theologically relevant thesis, to be able to apply the research methods, and the theological contents of a specific area, using critical thinking.
  • To introduce the students to different theology research methods.
  • To deepen the contents of a specific area of theology.
  • To develop the critical spirit to address the challenges of the current world from the theological discipline.
Magíster en Teología UC

Granted Degree:
Master's in theology / Civil degree
Bachelor in theology / Canonical degree

Teaching day hours:
Daytime: Between 8:30 and 16:50, two days a week, Monday to Friday.

Cost of the program:
Yearly tuition*: $4,586,000
Admission fee: $78,000

More information launch

Duration of the Program:

Courses or seminars, including thesis work, are a four-semester program with full dedication, nevertheless, considering students' particular conditions, the program also has the flexibility for partial dedication.

To obtain this degree, the student needs to finish and pass the thesis and final examination (Master's).



Consultations and application processes, María-Paz Fuentes

Postgraduate Director: Fernando Verdugo