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Bachelor of Theology

The Bachelor’s Degree in Theology at UC Chile trains professionals who contribute to the reflection of faith. For this reason it consists of five years of a solid base in philosophy and basic knowledge of different social sciences that help students to approach the experience of God in a critical, integral and autonomous way. In addition they receive key tools to develop high research competencies throughout this program

The curriculum consists of 560 total class credits. The first four semesters are strongly dedicated to the study of philosophy and classical languages. In this period the student will learn about philosophy, Greek, Latin, metaphysics, anthropology and ethics. In addition, we have historical courses such as history of medieval philosophy, history of modern philosophy and history of contemporary philosophy.

In the following six semesters the student begins to gain a deeper insight in the different branches of theology: Fundamental Theology, Systematics, Sacred Scripture, Moral Theology, Church History, Liturgy and Canon Law. At the end of the fifth year, he can obtain a mention in Fundamental-Systematic Theology, in Bible, or Pastoral Theology through the completion of a dissertation. 

In order to obtain the canonical degree of Bachelor of Theology, the student must take a degree exam before a committee formed by professors of our faculty.


Student affairs coordinator, María Paz Fuentes

Undergraduate director, Xavier Morales