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  4. Rocío Cortés

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Rocío Cortés

Rocío Cortés
  • Category
  • Assistant professor
  • Internacional affairs manager
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  • Contacto
  • rtcortes@uc.cl

Rocío Cortés

Rocío Cortés Rodríguez is an academic of the Faculty of Theology and a member of the Practical Theology area. Her work promotes interreligious dialogue, especially with Judaism, Islam, and aboriginal traditions. Rocío has focused her career on inter-religious co-existence in societies where their religious diversity poses specific challenges. In her Master’s degree studies, her research addressed the religious co-existence between Jews, Christians, and Muslims during the 10th century in Al-Andalus (Andalusia). Soon after, during her doctoral studies, she further developed on that co-existence question but now focused on the current times. Thus, in 2019, she applied the Scriptural Reasoning, a method for interreligious dialogue, to the Chilean context.

Currently, she is developing a project, thanks to the support of the Catholic Religion Teaching Program and the Vice-Rectory of Research, in which she aims to expand on the experience of the interreligious dialogue through the Scriptural Reasoning methodology in school, university, and pastoral contexts in Santiago of Chile. While also generating guidelines that contribute to its application.Rocío Cortés Rodríguez is also a member of the UC Center for the Study of Religion and the Red Ecclesia in America.