D. in Systematic Theology from the Pontificia Università Gregoriana of Rome with the thesis “Towards a pneumatological eschatology in Yves Congar”, graded Summa cum laude and accompanied by Prof. Dr. Etienne Vetö. It was published in 2023, by the Gregorian & Biblical Press. His research focuses on pneumatology and eschatology, with a particular focus on the work of Congar.
He is currently leading a research project (VRI Pastoral) on the role of the Holy Spirit in contemporary eschatology. His teaching experience includes undergraduate and graduate courses, including innovations such as the creation of a course in English on the Holy Spirit. He has presented his work at international conferences (EuARe and ESCT, among others) and conducted research stays in prestigious European institutions. He is a member of the European Academy of Religion and the Chilean Society of Theology. In addition to his academic work, he maintains a strong commitment to theological outreach, offering in-person and online extension courses. He also has pastoral responsibilities as parish priest at Maria Madre de la Iglesia Parish in the Archdiocese of Santiago de Chile. Currently, he is the Director of the Bachelor’s Degree in Theology, in addition to continuing his work as a researcher and teacher.