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  4. Antonio Bentué

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Antonio Bentué

Antonio Bentué
  • Categoría/Cargo
  • Honorary professor
Links de interés
  • Link de interés
  • Wikipedia: Antonio Bentué
  • YouTube: Profesor Bentué cortos teológicos
  • Contacto
  • abentue@uc.cl

Antonio Bentué

He is a native of northern Spain. He graduated from the Faculty of Theology at the University of Strasbourg in 1969. In 1970 he settled in Chile, preparing his doctoral thesis which he presented in 1972 at the same University of Strasbourg, being awarded the title of Doctor in Religious Sciences (troisiéme cycle). Since then, he has been working as a professor at the Faculty of Theology of the UC, in the area of Fundamental Theology, with special dedication to the study of the History of Religions in relation to Christianity. In 1976 he received a scholarship from the Institute of Advanced Theological Studies in Tantur (Israel). He was director of the Latin American Seminar of Documentation (SELADOC) until 1987, when he was appointed Full Professor. That same year he moved to Barcelona as a visiting professor at the Faculty of Theology of Catalonia. In 1991 he returned to the Faculty of Theology UC.

Since 2010, when he reached retirement age, he is Associate Professor, with courses in the area of General Education (TTF). He also teaches a weekly course within the Program for Older Adults at the same Catholic University.