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  4. Federico Aguirre

Federico Aguirre

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Federico Aguirre

Federico Aguirre
  • Category/Position
  • Associate professor
  • Contacto
  • federico.aguirre@uc.cl

Federico Aguirre

His main interest area is the relationship between art and the experience of the sacred. He studied Architecture for almost four years when he developed his passion for writing, drawing, and engraving. Then, he lived in Barcelona for five years, where he studied Classical Philology and Comparative literature. After that, he lived in Athens for almost ten years and discovered the icon tradition as a live tradition that summarized the different aspects of his search.

He was trained as an iconographer in the Eikonourgía Iconography Workshop in Athens, with the Greek painter and theologists Giorgos Kordis. During this time, he also received his Master of Arts in Theology at the University of Athens, being his final dissertation a research work on the iconographic work of Michalis Vasilakis.

After finishing his doctoral degree in icon painting in modern Greek, he came back to Chile. From his research on religious festivities, he became aware of the fundamental role art plays in the experience of faith among Latin American people.

His research and teaching work focused on the epistemological and sacramental function art undertakes in Christianism, from a theoretical and practical approach and with a special emphasis on Eastern and Latin American Christianism.