The objective of the Department of Research, Publications, and Library (DIPB in Spanish), is to promote the research and publications of our academics and the research centers of the Faculty, encouraging information resources. We foresee materializing our objective through three sub-departments with concrete responsibilities and action lines, among which the most important are:
The purpose of the UC Center for the Study of Religion is to promote and coordinate several activities of research, teaching, and community engagement to provide a better understanding of religion in our culture. From an interdisciplinary academic perspective, the Center aims to know and understand the particularities of religion in Chile and Latin America, thus contributing to a grounded analysis and interpretation of a phenomenon involving both individuals and the society as a whole, and that is a part of our University's identity.
For them, Edith Stain is a figure that particularly inspires academic endeavors. Her thinking allows enlightening different matters in the framework of anthropological and fundamental reflection, from which it is possible to address different topics, for example, the mutual interdependency of people for self-awareness, how specific males and females are, the inside life of a human person, etc.
The Manuel Larraín Theological Center (CTML in Spanish), is a research center that belongs to the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the Alberto Hurtado University.
Its mission is to collaborate with the Church at distinguishing the signs of times, establishing a dialogue between faith and culture. The center resorts to theology, several other disciplines, and the devout wisdom of Catholic pastors and intellectuals to recognize the action of God in history.
ISSN: 0049-3449 (impresa) | ISSN: 0717-6295 (en línea)
Teología y Vida (Theology and Life) is an open-access quarterly scientific journal, with peer review, published by the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. The journal gathers contributions in theology and related areas, especially in the Latin American horizon.
The Anales de la Facultad de Teología (Annals of the Theology Faculty), was founded in 1940 as a yearly newspaper dedicated to disseminating the research made by professors and students of the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Since 1967 it became a collection of scientific case studies, complementing the Teología y Vida journal.
Anales de la Facultad de Teología gathers scientific research in the area of the science of theology, also being able to collect reflections that provide true novelty in the science of theology itself, from the different sciences and through their own epistemologies (biblical exegesis, systematic theology, Christian doctrines history, history of the Church, philosophy of the religion, sociology of the religion, theological ethics, spirituality, among others).
Canon Law
Church History
Patristic Theology
Moral Theology
Fundamental Theology
Holy Scripture
Practical Theology
Systematic Theology